Monday 31 July 2023

Raat Rani

Hello everyone,this task was given by Vaidehi ma'am. In this blog i will discuss about some questions related to  web series 'Modern Love Mumbai: Raat Rani"

 Question :-List down the contradictory symbols you observed in the episode “Raat Rani”. 

Throughout the episode, I noticed several contradictory symbols that piqued my interest:

Bike and Bicycle: The contrasting symbols of Lutfi's bike and Lali's bicycle reflect their relationship dynamics. Lutfi's threat to leave without her emphasizes dependence, while Lali's frustration with her bicycle signifies her desire for independence. Interestingly, Lali later buys a bike for Lutfi, creating a contradictory symbol.

Flyover as Self-Independence: Initially, Lali struggles to cross the flyover, representing her dependency on her husband. However, as the episode progresses, she gains confidence, symbolizing her victory over reliance and her journey towards self-independence.

Question :-Which is your favorite symbol from Raat Rani? Why?

Among the numerous symbols in "Raat Rani," one stand out as deep and meaningful to me:

Bicycle: Lali's Bicycle is the most significant symbol. When her husband leaves her, only the bicycle is left. This bicycle gave her courage. It always stands as the strong partner of Lali while she was alone. 

Question:-Which is your favorite frame from the episode? Why?

Question:-“Courage is Contagious” – Give an example for this from the episode.

Courage is a powerful quality that can influence and positively impact the people around us. It can create a sense of unity and strength within a community, as more and more people are motivated to take action and make positive changes in their own lives and the lives of others. So, remember, being courageous not only helps you but also has the potential to spread and make the world a better and braver place for everyone.

'Courage' featured in this series in which Lali's character is set. Lali's life comes with many problems like her husband leaves her, after that the roof of the house breaks, the bridge cannot be crossed, she fights all these problems and works with courage. 

Lali's says in the one scene In this she despises the society and goes forward with courage.She does not give up and sells kava at night. Wherever she works, she also inspires it, and thus we can say that courage is contagious.

Question:-Compare and write a note on all the women characters from Raat Rani.

"Raat Rani" introduces us to various female characters, each distinct in their own way:

Lali: The protagonist of the episode, Lali starts off as a dependent woman, heavily relying on her husband. However, as the story progresses, she undergoes a remarkable transformation. She finds her voice, discovers her independence, and embraces her true self.

Ray: A lawyer introduced later in the episode, Ray epitomizes independence. She is self-assured, financially stable, and lives life on her own terms. Through her character, we see a different facet of female empowerment.

These and the other women characters who showed for few times portray various shades of independence, showcasing the complexities and diverse experiences of women in different circumstances.

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