Thursday 14 September 2023

Final Solution

 Hello everyone, in this blog i will discuss about title significance of Mahesh Dattani's play 'Final Solution'


The play Final Solutions, written by Mahesh K. Dattani discusses the theme of communal riots, hatred and bitterness of Hindus and Muslims against each other. The plot is set in Gujarat (after the 2002 Riots). The communal hatred is at peak. It can be seen when we find Hindu mob chasing Javed and Bobby after knowing that they are Muslims.

Next, we also come to know other complex stories like love affair of Smita (who is a Hindu) and Bobby, Javed’s story of adopting extremist way, Ramanik’s grabbing of Javed’s land (after burning his shop) etc.

title significance

The significance of the title “Final Solutions” by Mahesh Dattani lies in its multi-layered meaning and its connection to the themes explored in the play. The title itself is a reference to the Holocaust, specifically the Nazi regime’s plan for the systematic extermination of Jews, known as the “Final Solution.”

However, in Dattani’s play, the term “Final Solutions” takes on a broader and metaphorical meaning. The play, set in the aftermath of the Babri Masjid demolition in 1992, addresses the issue of religious communalism and its destructive consequences. Dattani’s use of the title “Final Solutions” suggests that the play is not just about a specific incident or event but rather about the larger problem of communal disharmony and the urgent need for resolution.

By choosing this title, Dattani highlights the gravity of the issue and the urgency to find lasting solutions to the deep-rooted conflicts in society. It serves as a reminder that the consequences of communal disharmony can be devastating and that finding a way to coexist peacefully is crucial.

Furthermore, the title also reflects the play’s exploration of the limitations of traditional approaches to conflict resolution. Dattani suggests that simplistic and one-sided solutions are inadequate and that true resolution can only be achieved through acceptance, empathy, and understanding.

In summary, the title “Final Solutions” by Mahesh Dattani carries significant weight as it alludes to the historical context of the Holocaust while also emphasizing the urgent need for lasting solutions to the issue of communal disharmony in Indian society.


 This play is a response to Mahesh Dattani’s reaction to the sporadic communal riots, breaking forth here and there, at different times. The play further highlights that being in majority or minority also determines our thought processes and subsequently our response towards the people of other community. While the majority group fails to acknowledge the equal status of the minority, the latter raises the finger at the dominant majority group for becoming their destiny makers. The promising points which the study of the play offers for establishing amity and good-will between the two communities are the nobility at heart, space for self- expression, open-mindedness and tolerance for other’s dissenting note, respect and regard for one another’s cultural values, a society sans ego and sans prejudice and initiation on the part of both the communities to look beyond the narrow communal lines

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