Thursday 19 January 2023


Hello everyone,this blog is response to Dilip Barad Sir's thinking activity. In this blog i will discuss about some videos and give my interpretation.

Video-1 First video is about what is existentialism in which many thinkers talked about the existentialism and Philosophical suicide meant nothingness in life and also a very good ideas about individuality, passion and freedom..

Video-2 The myth of Sysyphus: the absurd reasoning. In this video Albert Camus talked about the absurdity, life is meaningless and also there is an example of the movie 'Stay' in which we can see the existentialism that suicide is best option in this absurd life.

Video-3 The Notion of Philosophical suicide. This video talked about the philosophical suicide and this problem come out from A total absence of hope, A continual rejection and conscious dissatisfaction. From this method people escaped from absurd life.

Video-4 Dadaism and Nihilism has nothing to do with each other, there is only one similarity that both are fed up with arbitrary values of life. they do not want such values invented by others.

Video-5 Is Existentialism is gloomy philosophy? Every life is full of anxiety, despair and absurdity, but we are free to choose our own path of living. Every individual choose his/her way of life but when result is not good then they escape from this situation that is not fair practice. Existentialism is differ from Nihilism. After world war-2 People's life became miserable and full of despair. Everyone tried to find the meaning of life.

Video-6 Much difference between Existentialism and Nihilism. Existentialism believe in subjectivity like individuality, nothingness, absurd life while Nihilism believe in objectivity like everything is illusion in life.

Video-7 Existentialism ask question of existence that why I am here? what is life? Divine perspective and human perspective. Human were not design by any supernatural power, existentialism see the life from religiously, scientifically and philosophically and raise question about human existence.

Video-8 Existentialism and Nietzsche: Nietzsche's Existentialism talked about that human being is everything, there is no need any supernatural power to govern life. Like God is dead so human being can make their own rules and be like superman or ubermensch.

Video-9 Existentialism is away of life and understand life deeply. Existentialism says about what I am. Eric Dodson said that it is honest and shows reality of life and accept your fault and your abilities.

Video-10 I like the idea in this video is that only we can give reason to our choice or we can say that there is no reason for choice is just a choice. There is no meaning of life but meaning is given by us to our life.


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