Tuesday 7 February 2023

Practical criticism

 Hello everyone, in this blog i will discuss about criticise one poem. This poem was given by Dilip Barad Sir.


     In this task sir give 20 poem. And we choose one poem according to over roll number.And i try to criticise of poem according to new criticism theory. Here is a link of 20 poem Click here

New Criticism was a formalist movement in literary theory that dominated American literary criticism in the middle decades of the 20th century. It emphasized close reading, particularly of poetry, to discover how a work of literature functioned as a self-contained, self-referential aesthetic object.


तुम लाए कपड़े

और सब नंगे हो गए

तुमने कहा

पहन कर इसे हम सभी

सभ्य सुसंस्कृत हो जाएंगे

सब बर्बर हो गए

फिर तुमने कहा

अच्छा ऐसे नहीं ऐसे पहनो

इतना नहीं इतना पहनो

ऐसा पहनो वैसा पहनो

पर हमारे हिसाब से पहनो

जिसे आसानी से उतारा जा सके

चाहे घर हो संसद हो या हो सड़क

कपड़े से तुम कितना खेलते हो

बंद कमरे में नंगा होओगे खुद

और स्त्री को कर दोगे नंगा

कहोगे यह नंगापन नहीं प्रेम है

फिर तुम्हीं मर्यादा संस्कृति की रक्षा में

किसी स्त्री को कर दोगे खाप में नंगा

कहोगे उसका परिवार था ही इस लायक

तुमने यह भी कहा

कपड़े से कुछ नहीं छुपता

इंसान विचारों से होता है नंगा

इस तरह तुम

सामंती लैंगिक क्रूरता से

छुपाते रहे नंगापन

औद्योगिक घरानों की सांठगांठ से

जो मेहनत की रक्त में

कपड़े बुन रहे थे

तुम करते हो भेद कपड़े से

कौन कितना कमाता है

किसकी हैसियत कितनी है

वह विकसित है कि अविकसित है

कपड़े में लिपटा व्यक्ति इंसान नहीं

अमीर है या गरीब है

वह नर है कि मादा है

उसकी जाति क्या है

उसका धर्म क्या है

कौन करेगा यह कनफेशन

कि जब तक तुम्हारे कपड़े नहीं आए थे

कोई नंगा नहीं था

~ vikas rai (not sure) from FB page Artist Against All Odd (AAAO)

 This poem is written by Vikas Rai. But it is not sure because this poem is taken from one Facebook page.

Problematic things in poem 

पहन कर इसे हम सभी

सभ्य सुसंस्कृत हो जाएंगे

          In this line poet said that when human wear a Clothes, they become a polite and sophisticated. And they behave like a good human. But this comparison is  not  right. A person's behavior is not known by wearing a good clothes. When clothes come in life it become a control of society.

फिर तुमने कहा

अच्छा ऐसे नहीं ऐसे पहनो

इतना नहीं इतना पहनो

ऐसा पहनो वैसा पहनो

पर हमारे हिसाब से पहनो


          In this line poet said that the clothes we decide you  wear this. No more and no less than that.But what we wear,this is over personal choice. We are not wear clothes that other person say.When clothes come in life it become a control of society.

ऐसा पहनो वैसा पहनो

पर हमारे हिसाब से पहनो 

            In this line poet use this word "हमारे हिसाब से पहनो"So who is this person? Poet not said that person's name. But we can say that this is a over  petriacry society.

कपड़े से कुछ नहीं छुपता

इंसान विचारों से होता है नंगा 

 Comparison between clothes and think. Because clothes are non living. Thinking is over own.

चाहे घर हो संसद हो या हो सड़क

Poet mention parliament word in this poem. But now day's poet use a large sense to write their poem. So it is normal in now days.  this word is connected with politics.

औद्योगिक घरानों की सांठगांठ से

           In poem is about clothes. But poet mention Industrial idea. Poet say that if you wear a dury clothes that means  you are a poor people.

Literary devices

  1. Satire

पहन कर इसे हम सभी

सभ्य सुसंस्कृत हो जाएंगे

सब बर्बर हो गए. 


           In this line poet satire on modern clothes fashion.poet said that when human wear a Clothes they become a polite.but now days this is not happen.

जिसे आसानी से उतारा जा सके

चाहे घर हो संसद हो या हो सड़क

कपड़े से तुम कितना खेलते हो

       Poet satire on rapist person .Also satire on today's  women condition. Women are not safe in home, parlament and even a road.


Poet use a simple language in this poem. Readers easily understand meaning of poem. But in a simple language poet said a Deep meaning.


       In the writing of poems, paradox is used as a method by which unlikely comparisons can be drawn and meaning can be extracted from poems both straightforward and enigmatic. In this poem poet compare clothes to parlament and industrial idea.


       Paradox and irony as New Critical tools for reading poetry are often conflated, they are independent poetical devices. Irony for Brooks is “the obvious warping of a statement by the context” whereas paradox is later glossed as “a special kind of qualification which involves the resolution of opposites.”

Irony functions as a presence in the text – the overriding context of the surrounding words that make up the poem. Only sentences such as 2 + 2 = 4 are free from irony; most other statements are prey to their immediate context and are altered by it.

Analysis of poem

The poem describes the situation where people wear clothes to hide their nakedness, but it becomes a facade for power and wealth. The poet criticizes the unequal treatment of people based on their clothing and the exploitation of the workers who make the clothes. The poem highlights the need to look beyond clothes and embrace true humanity and empathy.



          This  poem was written in Hindi, that criticizes cultural and societal norms related to clothing and modesty. The lyrics seem to suggest that people are imposing restrictive clothing standards in the name of culture and tradition, but in reality it is just a way to control and exploit others. The poem also mentions the hypocrisy of these norms and how they are used to shame and degrade women.

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